How To Lose Weight in 30 Days



When it comes to losing weight, we must think deeper. What weight do we want to lose? Do we have excess muscle or excess fat? Most likely excess fat if we’re being real. 

So now we’ve narrowed down that we want to lose body fat primarily, let’s reconvene and get at the root of the issue.

If we want to look good with our shirt off, we don’t necessarily want to lose weight, we want to lose body fat.

We’ve only got 30 days, so let’s get right on the list.

How to Lose Body Fat in 30 Days


#1 Start Strength Training

Most people don’t realize that the more muscle you have on your frame, the easier it is to lose body fat and keep it off.

This is extremely important, especially if you want to look good with your shirt off, or in a tank top. The ability for you to have structure and stature to your physique and how you present yourself is extremely important.

Trust me, pumping the iron and building some muscle will not only also help you burn more fat, but it will also help you realize and anchor the process and commitment you’re going through! 

All it takes is a good focused 45-60 minute strength training session 3-5x a week.

#2 Implement a Calorie Deficit

Calculating or approximating your daily calorie intake is crucial to knowing where we should set our sights.

Starting out from the gym and taking a moderately aggressive approach we will want to set our calorie goal accordingly, but not too low.

For fat loss of 1.5-2 lbs per week, you will need to estimate your maintenance calories first.
Usually, people will fall between 14-16 calories per pound of body weight.

So starting at your total body weight multiplied by 15 is a good starting point.

For example 200 lbs x 15 = 3,000 calories maintenance.


These maintenance calories mean it’s approximately 3,000 calories it takes for your body to maintain its exact weight. If you weigh 200 lbs.

To start from this point, an aggressive cut would be 500-750 calories lower per day.

So instead of eating 3,000 calories to maintain, you would subtract 500-750 calories from this amount.

Your daily calorie goal would then be at least 2,250 calories.

This is basic, quick, and will be a great start for most.


After about 2 weeks, you will want to plug in your NEW weight.
Then do the same process so you can continue to taper down and continue losing weight.

#3 Buy a Food Scale

Of course we have our calories set now, but now how do we ensure we’re measuring in the best ways?

A food scale my friend…
This is exactly how we know how much food we’re preparing.
Whether it be weight of our steak, how much cheese we might add, or how much rice we’re cooking up!

You might be shocked to realize how many calories a standard plate is that you might eat!
Realize the value of your calories with precision.

This food scale is the best one I’ve found personally.
For less than $15 or $20 bucks, it will pay for itself with its results.
I promise you.

#4 Track Your Calories

Next comes down to tracking the calories of what you eat.

When you have the perfect measurements of your food, you can adequately track the amounts into your platform or app.

MyFitnessPal is great as a tool to start with, just ignore most of the startup questions and start tracking each food item with its proper measurement.


Alternatively, Cronometer is also very helpful. Just don’t get stifled by the many nutrients and other info.

It’s as simple as searching ‘Green Apple’ or ‘Ribeye Steak’ then adjusting the measurements appropriately.

Just ensure that you weigh things consistently, whether they’re cooked or raw, and make sure the entry is the same.

#5 Ease Into the Cardio

Cardio, perhaps everyone’s first step, unfortunately.
Perhaps, a step no one really wants to take!

Cardio matters, it is immensely helpful when it comes to fat loss.

What most people get wrong, is use the calories they ‘burn’ as a buffer to eat more food.
This will not meaningfully help us.

Keep your calorie goal steady as it has been calculated.

Simply start doing cardio, but START SMALL.


For example, after your workout routine is complete, hit the elliptical for 10-15 minutes.
Or walk on the stairmaster for 7 minutes.
Or walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes.

After your evening meal, take a walk outside for 10-15 minutes.

Simple, perfect, and easy. This is truly all it takes in the early stages of your journey.

You just gotta go after it.

#6 Eat Quality Food

Now let’s get real.
Quality food, what do I mean by that?

Eating close to nature. This means….
Steak > Hotdogs
Baked Potato > Mashed Potatoes

Banana > Banana Pudding
Blueberries > Blueberry Jam

Chicken Breast > Chicken Nuggets


Eating closer to nature and avoiding highly processed foods is the KEY.


This will ensure that you have the satiety and fulfillment to stick to your calorie deficit much easier.

Hunger pangs are brought on by eating a lot of processed foods, especially.

Home-cooked meals with REAL food that likely doesn’t come in a box will be your best bet.

Trust me.

#7 Stay Aligned & Stay Consistent

Most of all, we know that consistency is key.

Following all of these steps is useless if we don’t make it sustainable.
The truth is, we won’t always have the motivation to continue forward.

So we must make up for it with discipline. No matter the weather, or the mood, we stick to the plan.
No matter what the scale says on one random day when it’s not what we exactly want, we stick to the plan.

Trust the process. It will all work, you just have to give it time and stay truthful to yourself and your progress. Make the effort last.

In Conclusion

This is truly as simple as it gets.
Don’t miss any of these steps or think it’s not important.

All 7 steps are crucial to long-term success, as well as the short-term success.
For some insane fat loss, some dieting phases may also include things such as carb cycling or reverse dieting.

Which is a topic for another day.

But these will get any person some serious success as long as they stick to it, stay honest, and track down to the gram. Accounting for all butter, oils, and extra calories possible.

Now let’s start taking some action and get some amazing life-changing results.
One day at a time!
Thirty days from now, you will be amazed at your progress.

Be sure you take ‘BEFORE’ photos right now!


Q: How much weight can you lose in 30 days?

A: The amount of weight or fat one can lose in 30 days depends on how much the person weighs starting out. It also depends on existing muscle mass or muscle that’s built during the process. Generally, the heavier someone is the more weight you will be able to lose. Often especially if they eat more quality foods, close to nature, not highly processed, and ensure a calorie deficit along with consistent training. Focusing on these constant points during the journey is key, instead of focusing on how much you will lose at the end. Start the journey, stay consistent, keep the promises you make to yourself, and you will find the empowerment and discipline to take charge of your health and treat your body right.

Q: Can I lose 20 pounds in 30 days?

A: Yes, it is possible to lose 20 pounds in 30 days with the proper strategy, consistency, and ingestion of healthful foods. Over the long term, this rate of loss may not be sustainable or wanted, but it is surely possible depending on current circumstances and body composition.

Q: Can you actually lose weight in 30 days?

A: Yes, absolutely. One could lose a significant amount of weight or fat as long as they are consistent, stay healthy, stay active, and eat nutritious foods. 30 days is a good time period to enact a focused approach to any goal and assess the progress made at the end of it.

Q: How to lose 10 pounds of fat in 30 days?

A: Step 1 – Start Strength Training, Step 2 – Implement a Calorie Deficit, Step 3 – Buy and Use A Food Scale, Step 4 – Track Your Calories, Step 5 – Ease Into the Cardio, Step 6 – Eat Quality Food, Step 7 – Stay Aligned & Stay Consistent