Top 10 Carbohydrate Sources

Top 7 Carbohydrate Sources


Carbohydrates are tricky. So many trendy diets restrict or completely eliminate carbohydrates. These diets that do such things are not lifetime diets. What if I told you that you could stay healthy through shifting your carbohydrate sources instead of elimination? This article will be your guide to the best carbohydrate sources and exactly WHY they are important..

Why are Carbohydrates Important?

I used to be one of those people who remarked ‘there’s no such thing as an essential carbohydrate.’ Which is biologically true. However, there are obstacles that present themselves if/when carbohydrates are too low. Obstacles like difficulty sleeping from a higher level of cortisol, all the way to low Free Testosterone due to the interesting correlation between carbohydrate restriction and increased sex hormone binding globulin. Carbohydrate restriction can be a stressor on the body, and depending on many factors it can be ‘too much.’

 But there are also contexts where carbohydrates have been abused and over consumed, usually in their hyper-processed forms. This top 10 carbohydrate listing will have very purposeful effects and usually mediate and reduce over consumption aspects which many processed carbohydrates can do for some people.

This is all about balance, proper sourcing, and sustainability long-term.

Sweet Potato

#1 Sweet Potato

These provide a range of vitamins and minerals to help keep Testosterone levels optimal. Aside from nutrient precursor benefits, this starchy carb source is much easier on the GUT for most people. Not being a part of the ‘nightshade’ family like most potatoes, it should nourish your body at a much easier level.


#2 Watermelon

One of the best sources for L-Citrulline, the quickest nitric oxide precursor over arginine. As a low glycemic fruit, watermelon has a lot of volume without the influx of sugar that tips the scales of blood sugar levels. This keeps you energized, without the cost of sugar crashes. Easy fruit to eat to stay full if you’re cutting calories to keep calories low.

Beet Root

#3 Beet Root 

Coveted as medicinal in many ancient cultures. Beets ultimately keep your blood healthy, as well as optimize proper blood flow. As a natural source of nitrates to keep nitric oxide optimized. This provides proper blood flow for immune function all the way to endurance training and stamina.


#4 Blueberries

Blueberries improve blood sugar management, all the way to cognitive benefits and brain health. They keep your immune system functioning properly through adequate vitamin c and other flavonoids and antioxidants.



#5 Grapefruit

An extremely high source of Vitamin C and contains a compound called naringin which combats insulin resistance by reducing blood glucose absorption. This compound naringin has been demonstrated to be as potent as the diabetes medication metformin.

Use caution eating grapefruit if you regularly take medication. Consult with your doctor.



#5 Asparagus

Are perhaps one of the best carb sources to combat bloating and water retention. As a diuretic of sorts it will help along digestion and contains quality fiber to improve gut health and feed good gut bacteria. High in folate, vitamin a, vitamin k, and vitamin c; eat with a quality fat source or a bit of grass fed butter to improve absorption of vitamins a and k.


#6 Pineapple

One of my favorite tasting fruits, pineapple, provides a lot of fiber and flavor. Pineapple provides an enzyme known as bromelain which improves indigestion, as well as improves dietary protein breakdown. Great to pair as a dessert from eating plenty of grass-fed steak.


#7 Avocado

As a fatty fruit, avocado should still be considered a decent carb source. High in magnesium, potassium, vitamin c, vitamin e, and vitamin k; avocado provides a good balance of electrolytes when salted to taste. A great cooling food, to provide some satiety through healthy fats, such as omega 3’s.


I hope this has provided you with a bunch of foods to expand your tastes and get some specific benefits you may be looking for.

Carbs aren’t the enemy, it’s just the context things are extracted from and/or processed to become.

If this blog post helped you a lot, be sure you check out my list of my TOP 10 FOODS to BOOST TESTOSTERONE 


For my ultimate food guide, recipe books, lifestyle, and diet tips: ensure you purchase my book ‘The Androgen Diet.’


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