How to Increase Testosterone in 30 Days

How to Increase Testosterone in 30 Days

Why would you want to Increase Testosterone levels?

Testosterone is crucial for men’s health, drive, bedroom performance, muscle mass, fat loss, and even confidence and groundedness. What most people don’t realize is the mental benefits that come with sufficient testosterone levels. This article in Psychology Today talks about the Silent Crisis of Male Suicide from a sociological and life-purpose reframe.

However, the ties between testosterone and mental health in the suicide crisis for men need to be highlighted more. Optimizing testosterone with natural habits may be one of the best solutions for modern men to regain their mental health as well.

How can we optimize Testosterone?

People often forget that every choice we make has health ramifications. This can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the quality of choice we make.

This can both be a cause for low Testosterone but more importantly, leverage we can use to BOOST testosterone naturally. Turn each negative into a positive by recognizing what isn’t working currently.

How to Increase Testosterone in 30 Days

In order to boost our Testosterone levels naturally, we must fix common issues across our lifestyle, from activity, diet, and biological states which can prevent or subvert testosterone levels. Let’s get into the quickest steps you can take to increase your testosterone levels!

Step 1: Get your Sleep Dialed In

Too many people do not allow themselves the proper amount of sleep to produce testosterone. 

Beyond sleeping in proper quantities, it’s a MUST to get quality sleep. That’s what dialing in sleep is all about. Staying at a cool consistent temperature throughout the night, not waking up in the middle of the night, resting in a dark room.

For many it’s as simple as reducing distractions, avoiding screens when the sun goes down, and allowing your mind to be primed to rest when it needs to.

Step 2: Eat Quality Whole Foods

This is very basic, but many people miss out. Eating quality animal foods along with fresh whole foods like fruits and vegetables. Many people go too extreme by limiting carbohydrates, limiting fats, or eating too many processed foods. Eating close to nature will rebalance your nutrition and allow you to benefit on the micro and macro levels. Let the balance fall as it is with quality foods that you enjoy, don’t focus on reducing nutrients whether it’s cholesterol, fat, or natural sugar sources. Even cholesterol is a precursor molecule for testosterone.

Step 3: Strength Training

Lifting heavy weights with proper form over time will also improve your testosterone levels. It will give you something to work towards to demand more biological strength, and also provide the stimulus for you to become stronger on many levels to rebound and recover.
This is a positive cycle and some research is showing that exerted muscles release compounds that improve many biological states which also extend to better mental health outcomes.

Step 4: Proven Testosterone Boosting Herbs

I hadn’t believed in herbal supplements until I did my own self-experimentation and I cannot say enough about them these days. Real ayurvedic medicine and Chinese medicine show so much promise that’s lost on many of us in the west.

Click here to learn about everything you need to know about Testosterone Boosting Herbs What Works & What Doesn’t?

Step 5: Avoiding Harmful Chemicals & Plastics

Many people don’t realize the effect that these modern chemicals and plastics have on our hormone health. But it truly can’t be understated and may be one of the most proximal root cause issues for the drop in testosterone levels among men in the modern world. Find out more about what plastics and harmful chemicals are lowering your testosterone, and how you can best adapt and overcome these obstacles.