How To Increase Your Energy

How To Increase Your Energy


Many of us may find it difficult to have stable or consistent energy levels throughout the day. Of course, we know how important quality sleep is for energy levels. But very often we need some quick things to put in place to improve our focus or energy levels.

In this article, I’ll be covering some physical strategies, supplements, and biohacks to increase your energy.

What is Energy, and Why Does it Matter?

Our body’s ‘energy’ or ATP can come from many different sources or substrates. But oftentimes, we may be eating enough calories, yet still feel so LOW energy. So some of our strategies to increase energy may be as simple as influencing how we FEEL more so than ‘eating enough calories.’

How to Boost Your Energy 

#1 Use your EYES to Energize

You should know by now how important it is to set your sleep/wake cycles by being outside or noticing the time of day physically. But maybe the sun is not out or inconvenient to us needing energy indoors… so this won’t work if we can’t go outside and be among some sunshine.

Instead: look upwards. Keep your face stationary and move your eyeballs to look up as high as you can. Hold your eyes looking upwards for at least 2-3 sets of 10-15 second holds, then let your eyes return. 

When these ocular muscles are activated, their activation pathways are correlated and linked to behaviors in the brain that promote feeling more alert. Give it a try!

#2 Go For A Short Walk

Walking can get your blood flow going, and breathing optimized but also put us in a more focused state. Once you return after a good 10-15 minute walk, you should feel a better sense of alertness but also calm enough to focus.

#3 A Smarter Caffeine Protocol

Don’t reach for that cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Ensure you’re fully hydrated with water at least 45 minutes before you start your caffeine intake. Aside from caffeine, integrating 100-200mg of L-Theanine powder WITH the caffeine drink of your choice will reduce jitters and give a more sustained effect of focus.

If you’re looking for a caffeine substitute altogether, I urge you to try 100mg of Teacrine. This has been shown to reduce feelings of fatigue, without building up a tolerance as many do with caffeine.

#4 Can’t Rest? Control your Breath!

This breathwork strategy is known as Breath of Fire.

It is a very quick-paced inhale/exhale of equal time. The first round is through your mouth only! Think of a half-second inhale straight to a half-second exhale. Your diaphragm and core should be engaged heavily through this exercise. After 20-30 in/out breathing, inhale DEEPLY. Hold it for 10+ seconds as long as it’s comfortable to do so. Then slowly exhale and return to normal breathing.

The second round is through your nose only! Same pattern, same quick breaths, and you should feel much more grounded, focused, oxygenated and energized!

I do a small bout of these before a big personal record attempt in the gym to hyper-oxygenate my blood to output as much energy as I can!

#5 Stay Away From Processed Carbs & Sugars

Most of us know how these processed foods or drinks can tip the scales of our energy levels. We have likely gone through this energy roller coaster and crash. This means staying away from sugary energy drinks, sodas, baked goods, donuts, or candy. It’s probably one of the most unproductive things for our mental focus and energy levels.

However, they’re so prevalent in our office environments that it’s extremely important to reiterate this. Instead, forego processed foods. Opt for some fresh fruit if you absolutely feel you need something.

If you’re trying to get out of a carb coma, dilute 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar into 2-3 oz of water and drink that down to stabilize your insulin levels.


These tips are extremely effective and will help you across all facets of your being to stay energized and productive. These should not replace a well-balanced diet, and proper sleep, but in a pinch can really help out so you’re able to stay focused and take care of business.

Testosterone & Energy For Men

Hopefully, these tips have helped you. If you’re still looking for sustained energy. You may need to look deeper into hormones like testosterone. Firstly, it’s important to get your levels checked.

For my comprehensive article on How To Boost Testosterone Naturally, you can read it here.