What is the Tongkat Ali scientific evidence?

What is the Tongkat Ali scientific evidence?

Tongkat Ali



Tongkat Ali is a herb used in ancient medicine circles in the eastern part of the world for millions of years. It has risen to popularity through scientific research, and gained popularity after being mentioned on the Joe Rogan podcast as a natural remedy for Testosterone deficiency. Today we will be covering what scientific evidence we have on its effectiveness via this meta-analysis which analyzed only placebo-controlled, random-sample, and captured the most crucial aspects of men’s health.

What is the scientific evidence for Tongkat Ali?

A meta-analysis of scientific studies highlights evidence of tongkat ali improving libido/masculine drive, erection quality, total & free testosterone increases, and positive effects on male fertility.

The paper reviews 7 studies showing “remarkable” associations between Tongkat Ali in the treatment of male intimacy disorders [6] [8] [9] [10] [13] [14] [15].

Why is the scientific evidence of Tongkat Ali Important?

The 7 human clinical trials reviewed in this paper show “efficacy in the treatment of male intimacy disorders” and the following significant improvements from the use of Tongkat Ali:

  • Tongkat Ali enables a significant boost in bedroom performance / masculine drive [11] [12] (+ intercourse attempts, overall intimate activity and performance) and overall energy [5].
  • Tongkat Ali considerably increases the penile hardness score [6] [7] (measure of erectile Strength / size / duration), along with several other intimacy and performance satisfaction measurements
  • Tongkat Ali significantly increases the total, bound and free testosterone [1] [2] (and shows a better effect than testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in some cases [15] without negative side effects seen in TRT) in the men tested.
  • Positive effects on male fertility and virility with the use of Tongkat Ali- (i) semen volume, (ii) concentration of sperms in ejaculate, (iii) proportion of sperms having normal motility (+ spontaneous pregnancies 15% of cases)

** No abnormalities or side effects were found in the vital organs of the body (liver, kidney, etc…) with the use of Tongkat Ali.

Potential biological and physiological mechanisms which may be involved when taking Tongkat Ali:

  • Glycoprotein and Eurypeptide contents inside of Tongkat Ali allow for a boost in Totaland Free Testosterone [3] [4] [16].
  • Direct action of Tongkat Ali on corpus cavernosa (blood vessels inside the member) and seminal vesicle muscle tone [17].
  • Enabling a boost in free testosterone by facilitating testosterone to unbind from SHBG (sex-hormone binding globulin) or reducing the metabolism (i.e. breakdown) of testosterone.
  • Tongkat Ali may therefore be beneficial for those men who have abnormally high SHBG levels and low free testosterone levels.
  • Boosts intimacy health though indirect antioxidant properties due to potential superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity [18] [19] [20]. The enzyme SOD has been found to be directly correlated with antioxidant activity [18] [19] [20].
  • Increased conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone, cortisol, 5-DHEA and Testosterone in corpus cavernosum tissue. 

3 Main Conclusions for the scientific evidence of Tongkat Ali

  1. In terms of male bedroom health and performance, Tongkat Ali is the most well-studied herb in history. In this article I have explained the key results of a recent (Jan, 2017) review publication.
  2. It is clear that Tongkat Ali significantly improves male performance and vitality, including a boost in total, bound and free testosterone, masculine drive, member hardness and strength plus sperm parameters which indicate fertility and virility.
  3. No negative side effects were found in the 7 human clinical trials conducted and reported here. As long as the sourcing, harvesting, manufacturing and distribution of Tongkat Ali are of the highest quality, this natural herb may serve as man’s natural edge.

Limitations of Study/Future Direction for Tongkat Ali

No study (including the ones which I am reviewing here) have ever gained any 

substantial insights regarding the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of 

Tongkat Ali. We therefore are unaware of the exact way this 100% natural aphrodisiac acts on different organ systems and how much of it is absorbed. With future research, we will be able to determine the bioavailability of Tongkat Ali to increase its effectiveness even further.