Myth or Fact: Things You Didn't Know About Testosterone

What is Myth & Fact: TESTOSTERONE


There are a lot of myths that surround testosterone. Today we’ll be covering some of the most common myths and explaining what the TRUE matter of the situation is when it comes to the facts of testosterone in men.

Let’s get into it!

Why is Testosterone Important?

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by the testicles in men and the ovaries in women. It is important for men because it plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as the testes and prostate, as well as promoting secondary gender characteristics such as increased muscle mass, facial hair, and deepened voice. Testosterone also helps to maintain bone density, sperm production, and drive.

Low levels of testosterone can lead to a range of health issues in men such as decreased muscle mass, reduced bone density, and decreased drive.


Myth: Testosterone makes men aggressive and violent.

  1. Fact: While testosterone can affect behavior, it does not necessarily cause aggression or violence. Aggression can precipitate from a high or consistent cortisol spike which actually lowers testosterone precursors. The stereotypical ‘mean drunk’ type man may have violent outbursts not from Testosterone, but from the high estrogen effects of alcohol, and acute testosterone suppression that follows. 

Myth: Testosterone is the only hormone that affects drive.

  1. Fact: Testosterone is certainly an important hormone when it comes to drive, but it is not the only one. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone also play a role in regulating love and desire. So it is important to keep things balanced, but stay Testosterone dominant as a biological male.

Myth: Low testosterone levels only affect older men.

  1. Fact: Testosterone levels can decline over time through consistently poor lifestyles, but low testosterone can also affect younger men. Testosterone levels can be affected by a variety of factors, including environmental pollutants, illness, injury, malnutrition, and certain medications.

Myth: Taking testosterone supplements will increase muscle mass.

  1. Fact: Testosterone can help to increase muscle mass, but it is not a magic bullet. Building muscle requires a combination of proper nutrition, exercise, and rest, and taking testosterone supplements may not be fully effective if these other factors are not in place. Click here for my full guide on Testosterone Supplements

Myth: Testosterone is only important for men’s health.

  1. Fact: While testosterone is more commonly associated with men’s health, it is also important for women’s health. Testosterone plays a role in bone density, muscle mass, and drive in women as well. Low Testosterone for men can wreak havoc on their mental health and strive to live a better life.


Testosterone is something that is supremely important for men’s health. A lot of people misunderstand its effects and characterize it as the root of male ‘toxicity.’ However, those that know its benefits and health outcomes understand what good it can truly bring provided everything else is in order.

If you want to boost your Testosterone 100% NATURALLY, you must read this article I wrote on that topic.  ‘How to Boost Testosterone Naturally’